Saturday, January 17, 2015

Does This Mean I'm a Registered Rookie?

Well, as we say in the south, I have gone and done it now.

I've registered for my first 5K.

It's not until May, so there's plenty of time to get over my whining about only running 90 seconds every two minutes.  Surely by the first week of May I'll be able to run three miles all together.


It's a Blacklight run, so we'll stagger around for a while in the dark.  I think that's a good idea.  I feel sorry for people who can see me run in daylight.  It's just not pretty.

Speaking of things that are not pretty, today's 30-minute training session

Our older son plays basketball every Saturday, usually at noon, so we almost always go somewhere to eat afterward.  Today, after his team beat the other team by about 15 points, we celebrated at a favorite Mexican restaurant.  I swear I went in with the idea of getting a small salad, but before I could help myself I had ordered the chicken enchiladas.


I knew that it was probably a bad idea to have eaten such a heavy lunch, but I didn't want to put off today's outing until tomorrow.  So I piddled around for a couple of hours and then decided it was time to head out.

Everything was fine for the first 20 minutes.  I walked when I was supposed to.  I ran when I was supposed to.  I was enjoying the 58-degree weather with a light breeze.

And then it hit me.  The truth and stupidity of what I had eaten for lunch hit me like a ton of bricks.  I checked in with my coach after I got home and told her of my mistake, and she was worried that I'd gotten my first case of something I'd never heard of...runners' trots.  (What an awful term, don't you think?)  Then she sent me a few links so that I could read up and become more educated about the matter.

Oh.  My.  Word.  (Had I known that this was a real thing to consider when running, I bet I would never have signed up for this program.  I mean...really?  I could cry just thinking about it.)

No, thankfully, that didn't happen today.  I mainly felt like I had swallowed several cement blocks and was trying to run uphill at about a 90-degree angle.  It was uncomfortable, to say the least.

I finished the last 10 minutes (and I'll just bet that I looked mighty scary doing it) and scurried back home where I immediately laid down on the floor and rolled around for a good 15 minutes, moaning and wailing.

I'm guessing this is what's known as a rookie mistake and most definitely NOT what they call the "runners' high," right?

Lesson learned.


  1. 5k in May ? You have plenty of time and you'll smash it. 1st race and you're guaranteed a Personal Best. Yeah!!
    On the other subject, yep, sorry, you're gonna have to watch what you eat before you run, don't find out the hard way that you choose wrong :-) It's why I run early morning so I know any food eaten the night before has been digested . Fried or spicy food are one's to avoid before a run.

    1. Well, I never thought about a first race guaranteed personal best! Love it! And, yes, I have learned my lesson about paying attention to what I eat before running. I really should've known better... :)

  2. Good point about the personal best! And I'm very glad to hear that your lunch didn't make a reappearance - in one form or another.
