Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Would-Be Runner Family

Honestly, I have become the worst person in the world when it comes to taking pictures.  I think it's because I'm too busy and frazzled to stop and snap a few pictures every day, but there are some other things at play, too.

I'm not of the ALL-TECH, ALL THE TIME generation.  I learned to type on an electric typewriter.  I was well into my second job before I had a home computer.  And my first cell phone was one that lived in a bag and only came out from underneath my front seat for emergencies.

I still don't understand the need to have my cell phone on my person at all times.  I keep it handy...if you call staying in my purse "handy."  Oh, I take it out at night to charge and I use it as my alarm each morning, but I don't carry it around with me constantly like, say, a glass of wine.

Also, I still think the best pictures come from a nice and proper camera, and I haven't had one of those for years.  In fact, the last quality SLR I had used actual film.  I know, I know.  I think it's species died out when the meteor hit the earth and killed all the dinosaurs.

Plus, our boys are getting older and I don't feel the need to document every minute of every day like I did when they were babies and toddlers.  I'm afraid of being one of those parents who holds unsuspecting strangers hostage by showing them 2,308 pictures of the same thing.

"Oh, look, here's another shot of him eating sweet potatoes!"

So, I've backed off on the photo shoots.  But, for anyone who happens by the blog, I thought I could at least pull out some kind of but still stretching it recent pictures of my people.

Here are my husband and our two sons.  B is eight, and JF is five.  I won't bother you with David's age, but I will tell you that he is older than I am by several years and that's all the really matters.  Haha!  This was taken at JF's Thanksgiving play back in November.  JF's stage debut consisted of singing a couple of songs with the rest of the Junior Kindergarteners and saying a very important line, "But many of the Pilgrims got sick."  We expect Hollywood to be calling any minute now.

I can't remember when I took this one, but I think it was about a year ago.  We visited a safari park (of sorts) about 90 minutes from Memphis.

This one is a couple of years old and was taken at my mother's farm about an hour from here.  The boys love to ride her small garden tractor, and she is just the kind of grandmother who says YES way more than my brother and I ever thought she could when we were children.  (As she says, "Children could certainly be a lot less spoiled, but everyone is afraid to spank the grandmother.")  She's right. By the way, that's me in the middle, along with all of my big hair.  (My hair and its issues should have its own blog.  Night. Mare.)

Finally, here we are a couple of years ago.  It is nearly impossible for us to get a good family picture, mainly because one child or the other wants to be silly or uncooperative.  This is as good as we could manage at the time.

That's our little family.  My three fellas are mainly why I've taken up  this whole running (eventually) thing.  I'd like to improve my health.  I'd like for it to be a stress reliever so that I'm not so quick to be cranky.  (And let me tell you...I can get mighty cranky mighty quickly.)  I'd like our boys to see me set a goal and reach it, even when it's hard and takes extra effort.

Welcome to the Would-Be family, folks.

1 comment:

  1. Having a goal is good, but doing it for your gorgeous family will mean more to them than they will ever be able to tell you.
