Oh...sometimes life gets in the way, and this week has proved it. No run/walks so far, and it's Saturday morning.
Tuesday's answer to running/walking was a big NO, and then Thursday afternoon turned into 93 different kinds of crazy.
I was really looking forward to Thursday's session since I missed it Tuesday, but I spent Thursday afternoon making sub plans and getting everything ready to be off Friday. I am not kidding when I say that it's usually not worth it to miss school because preparing for a substitute takes a sweet forever.
Our boys' school was holding parent/teacher conferences Friday (which meant no school for them), and I originally scheduled our appointments for early in the morning so that I could attend without taking a half-day off of work. David was going to go to the conferences with me and then stay home with the boys and do lots of father-son stuff, like sit on the couch all day playing games and watching various sports channels while eating nothing but junk and making gross noises that daddies and little boys think are hysterical.
However, as it turns out, we learned that David's dad would have surgery Friday morning to repair an abdominal aneurysm. (The surgery went quite well and we expect him to make a speedy recovery. Whew!)
So, I booked a sub for Friday, and and after a couple of hours of getting sub plans written, pulling materials, and making copies, it was 6:30 before I was ready to leave school Thursday afternoon, and by that time the running club was long gone. Not to mention the fact that my people were still 30 minutes away and HUNGRY. I packed it up and called it a day, feeling very sad (and, perhaps, a little grouchy) that day two had now been missed.
We went to the conferences Friday morning and then headed out for the rest of the day. David's dad's surgery was in Jackson, Tennessee, about 80-90 minutes from Memphis, and our hometown is in between here and there. David dropped the boys and me off at my mother's house and then went on to the hospital. We figured that the last thing the patient needed was two young boys crawling all over the bed with him, which is exactly what these two would prefer to do.
The boys and I piddled around at Mama's house and ran some errands with her and then spent most of the afternoon curled up on the floor in front of the fireplace. Memphis (and the southern United States) has had unusually warm weather the last week or two, but it finally cooled off again and I don't think the temperatures rose above 35 degrees yesterday. (I suppose I could've worked in a session while we were there, but the world's best fireplace and two snuggly boys won out. I'm only human, after all.)
Today's the day, though, that I'll get back to it. It's only been three weeks and I'm not even running for very long stretches at a time, but I am hooked. Hooked, I say! After B's last basketball game of the season, I'm headed to the track later today and I cannot wait.
I'm sorry I missed your return! I'll be there on Thursday! :-)